Do you have a picky eater? Well, I do! I am always on the search for Picky Eater solutions. Picky Eaters come in all shapes and sizes – it is not only a small dog concern.
Here are a few tips you may want to consider for your pet:
Consider topping off their kibble with nutrient rich freeze-dried organ meat – freeze-dried liver, lung, heart, fish or tripe. This is an inexpensive way to change up their diet and will bring excitement to feeding time. The phrase we say every day at Patsy’s is “kibble alone is never enough for most dogs and cats to stay healthy.” Dogs and cats love organ meat, as it adds essential minerals and vitamins to their diet. And then I always want my furry customers to have the benefits of a probiotic. Adding Primal Goat Milk is another good option for Picky Eaters. Not only do both cats and dogs love Goat Milk, it will help strengthen their gut health!
When it comes to Picky Eaters it is best NOT to add human food to their bowl. People food is often too salty or too fatty for their liver to process and can include seasonings and ingredients that are not good for pets. Plus, it creates a bad habit as your cat or dog will not eat until they get what they want. If you want to give them people food, do it away from their dog food bowl and not near mealtimes. Practice the “Come” command or teach them a proper “Sit.” And if you do give them people food, remember their stomach is approximately the size of their whole paw, so they will probably eat less of their dog food if they get people food. This can contribute to your pet’s lack of desire for the excellent pet friendly diet you’ve picked out for them.
Lastly, switch it up when it comes to your pet’s bowl! Often you can just switch up your topper and that does the trick! Primal Bone Broth is a great option to switch things up. Cats love bone broth! Many customers find the gently cooked foods we offer to be a great option for dogs who are used to cooked chicken in their bowl. My favorite gently cooked foods are A Pup Above and Stella and Chewy’s Fresh Made. That is because it has organ meats, fresh veggies and is a complete meal. And always, Primal Goat Milk is served in my house because it is just so good for her!
My Beverly will eat the same thing for 3 or 4 days then I have to switch up her entire feeding routine, which can be really frustrating. Beverly’s tummy is used to changing proteins and does not get upset, but this is not the case for all pets. Many pets need a slow transition to their new food to prevent stomach upset. For the first 3-4 days of feeding the new food, mix 25% of the new food with the old. Days 5-7 mix the foods 50/50, and after that create a mix of 75% new food and 25% old food until you’re out of it. You can stop by my store anytime and my team can walk you through transitioning your pet’s food. Once again, Goat’s Milk is my favorite way to entice pets to eat as well as strengthen their gut during diet changes.
Remember that a healthy cat or dog will typically not starve themselves. Many dogs will moderate their food intake as the temperature rises. Also, if there has been a recent change in the household you may notice your pet’s eating habits change. There’s no need to panic if your pet goes for a meal or two without eating when switching their diet – a healthy pet will not let themselves starve.
Let me know if any of these tips work for you.
~Patsy McGirl