Turkey is a great lean protein to share with your pet (cat or dog). Skip the bones and fatty parts and stick with white meat. The skin is delicious, but it contains seasonings and fat that may cause an upset tummy. Say YES to mashed potatoes, both sweet and white (without the gravy of course). They make a filling addition to their regular meal and are a good source of carbohydrates. Other vegetables such as plain green beans, carrots, cauliflower, and peas are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals. Pumpkin is also a great fruit (although we like to think of it as a vegetable) to give your pets. In addition, it helps to firm up the stool on any occasion.
Just be aware of the cheese, sour cream, butter, onion, and gravies. These are no-no’s for a pet’s diet.
Sweet Aunt Bertha and other family members and guests that want to feed your pet from the table, please just say no. While intentions are good, appetizers, sweets, fatty foods, and heavy side dishes just aren’t good for a pet’s diet.
This is a time of year that every dog is tempted to get into the garbage. With lots of people around in a very busy kitchen you may miss their head poking into the garbage or counter surfing. Save yourself a visit to the vet by keeping a close eye on your pet.
This is also the time of year that pets get lost. With lots of guests in your home and people letting your pet in and out, there may be more opportunity for your pet to run off. Please make sure that in addition to any registered microchipping you have visible I.D. tags with your pet’s name and your phone number listed.
HOLIDAY TIP: If you haven’t scheduled your dog for boarding or an in-home pet sitter consider doing it now.