YOURFORTBENDNEWS.COM: Shelter brimming with pooches needing forever homes

Craig Moseley

By Tina Tate The Adoption Coordinator at Fort Bend County Animal Services sounded an SOS call. Her urgent appeal to the public requested help adopting out homeless hounds. “We’ve had an incredible influx of strays the past six weeks,” said Barbara Vass, adoption coordinator. “We are maxed to the gills.” According to Vass, the majority of the kennel animals are dogs, but not for long. “Kitten season is coming right […]

Look at Those Pearly Whites!

February is National Pet Dental Health Month.  Buy a bag of food – any size, and Patsy will give you a FREE Natural Balance Dental Chew.  Natural Balance Dental Chews have unique groves to encourage healthy chewing and helps with the removal of tarter. It’s important to take care of your furry friends teeth.  If left untreated, plaque and tartar buildup can progress to periodontal disease, which can be quite […]

Why Make a Raw Resolution?

Dogs are direct descendants of wolves and cats from wild cats and neither are NOT meant to eat foods primarily made up of corn and other starches found in many grocery store or large chain store low quality kibble.  Their DNA structure benefits greatly from a raw diet, as organ meat and ground-up bone are typically not found in kibble.  While feeding you pet premium kibble and canned foods is […]

COVERING KATY: Patsy’s Pet Market Continues Its Drive To Help Shelter Animals

Covering Katy owner Dennis Spellman and Patsy hold items donated.

KATY (Covering Katy) – Patsy’s Pet Market of Katy is continuing to accept donations to help Fort Bend County Animal Control. Donations of paper towels, bleach wipes and dish soap is being accepted to help take care of the dogs and cats at Fort Bend Animal Control. These desperately needed items are tremendously helpful in cleaning the cages and living areas of pets being held while new homes are being […]

Your Puppy Starter Pack

Once you’ve brought your new furry member of the family home, you will have a few needs to ensure success and joy for both you and your pet.   To make your transition easier, consider getting the following items before you pick up your dog: A Collar: Adjustable nylon collar with two-piece buckle.  We recommend Martingale collars as they are designed to not slip off the dog’s head.  The collar should […]

What Does Your Cats Tail Tell?

The tail is a perfect extension of your feline’s expression! Your cat’s tail is always moving as your cat shares his or her emotions. In cat body language these are a few cat tail positions: If the tail is up this is a sign of a happy, cheerful cat that is likely approachable. If the tail is down it may indicate a cat that is scared or threatened. If your […]

Tis the Season for a New Pet – Adopt – Don’t Shop This Holiday Season

There are many reasons to adopt – not shop and here are our top three reasons: Save a life!  There are so many dogs and cats that are found homeless and then placed in a shelter. These dogs typically end up in a shelter due to a divorce, a move, or changed financial conditions; often not by any of their own wrongdoing. Great Pets!  These ‘pre-owned’ pets are typically perfect […]

To Feed or Not to Feed on Thanksgiving

Turkey is a great lean protein to share with your pet (cat or dog).  Skip the bones and fatty parts and stick with white meat.  The skin is delicious, but it contains seasonings and fat that may cause an upset tummy. Say YES to mashed potatoes, both sweet and white (without the gravy of course).  They make a filling addition to their regular meal and are a good source of […]

To Treat or Not To Treat?

There are many types of treats including crunchy cookies, soft and smelly (our favorite for training) and medicinal blended treats. We believe in the 3 treat a day philosophy to help provide additional nutrition, calories, medicinal benefits and to practice our favorite 3 commands come, sit, and stay. Crunchy treats are considered a snack for in-between meals. These are a biscuit type treat that is often kept in a cookie […]

Does Your Pet Have a Sensitive Stomach?

Some dogs can eat almost anything; however, not every dog or cat is so lucky. If you suspect your pet has a sensitive stomach the first thing to do is to simplify their diet and put them on a very limited ingredient diet. Also make sure they are unable to access any of the garbage cans and reduce or cut out any human foods. Natural Balance is one of our […]